Meet this month’s WOW team member, who gives us the lowdown on their background before getting into Baby Sensory, what they get up to on their days off (hint; it’s exhausting!) and what a day in their life looks like…

Jooles Paillin
What’s your background?
I have a Degree in Hotel and Catering Mngt and an MBA in Wine Business Mngt. As well as working for Majestic Wine as an Assistant Manager I was a Professional Rowing Coach for Welbeck Defence Sixth Form College!
What or who inspired you to change career?
I was inspired by Vicky Woodings at her Kegworth classes when I attended with my youngest Elizabeth
What’s your Favourite part of the job?
Singing loudly, acting like a crazy woman and having lots of wonderful eye contact with the babies. With Mini Professors, watching them enjoy the WOW moment and parents telling you it’s all they've talked about all week. With the Programme Leader role I love seeing the franchisees grow with grow and develop their own businesses.
Tell us what you get up to on a normal day at work…
A BS day usually start with getting the kids ready, off to school and playgroup then straight to the venue to set up. An hour later I'm ready to welcome all the Mums and sometimes dads and grans. We squeeze two or three classes in between the school run and then a quick pack away and dash to pick them up from school. Then its swimming lessons, piano practice, spellings and homework and tea time. After bed I then head to my weights room and quite often the rowing machine (ergo) or on the water as I'm training 9 sessions a week over 6 days in preparation to try to qualify for Women's Henley this June. Single parenting is hard but with 50/50 shared parenting it allows me to concentrate on growing the businesses and the rowing when I don't have them. So best of both worlds.